Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Alternative Vase/Flower-Pots At Limited Space

The narrowness of the kitchen spaces, sometimes obstruct your desire to create an attractive garden and not suffocating views. Divine inspirations to utilize the space, directly shows braces of surrounding circumtances and pleasant vicinity at your home.

Structure design of plantings play the important roles to save spaces and to get the freshness matters from the garden. For the limited space kitchen, create a small garden with flexible appearence and not too compact with variety of plants.

Planting in the vase/flower-pots is easier for planting works, maintenance and also arrangement.

Intelligence in mixing plants decoration from the variety species truly capable to give the visual injections for more interesting. Usage of vase as an alternative to replace the landyard giving an advantage for you to make planting arrangement followed on the compatible spaces.

Using variety of herb plants is suggested because aroma generates from each plants is like a natural therapy.

Tamarind decorations which has a bipinnately compound leaves structure morfology and grow straights to top giving the long lasting beautifications at your small garden.

Strong, high structure plants is suitable to grow it in the big vase where it can change surrounding of your small garden in order to make it more spacious. Next, the greenish fragrant screwpine decorations with linear sharp leaves structure at the tips also gives an obvious space differences.

Meanwhile, usage of chillies as the decoration or vegetables able to give the high impact to the decoration values of the kitchen space. Attractive grow structures as the shelter plants for the mini planting and produced dual fresh colour chillies.

Not to forget Japanese Red Rose or Portulaca Grandiflora which is contains variety of attractive colours as the canopy plants or planting it in the vase.


Eurycoma Longifolia Jack

Eurycoma Longifolia Jack one kind of a plants which mostly can be found in Asia, it is physically look like ‘long’ and ‘high’, live for a million years in rainforest.

This plant need for some years to achieved trunk diameter for about 6 inches.
In Malaysia, eurycoma longifolia is a famous plants and acts as a good medicine. It increase immune systems through erections and reactions to withstand from the outer attacks. This quality product can increase the body functionality by strengthen the body immune.

Eurycoma Longifolia Jack has been listed internationally regarding its purposes, mainly for increase the energy (tonic) and react as aprosidiac (increase the sex abilities).

It is traditionally use to cure several diseases and increase health. These are headache, injury/wound, ringworm, antileukemik, antitumor, antiviral, antifidan, insectisidal, antiamebik and antimalaria. The important of eurycoma longifolia chemical contains inside the roots are; eurikomanone, eurikomalaktone and eurikomanol (quassinoids). The details information is still in research. Research showing that the chemical (fitochemical) inside the eurycoma longifolia can increase the testosterone (hormone which is need for male functioning).


Monday, April 13, 2009

Gardens Which Can Be Eaten

Balcony and the balustrade windows can be a space to start grow the herbs plant, if you have no other choices.

There is no need to have a garden to pick your own herbs. With a little strategy dan imaginations, sure you will surprised on such plenty of herbs plants can grow fertile at the limited space that you have.

Even though many of herbs plants need the huge amount of sunlight effects but too huge also is not so good.

If your balcony received the direct sunlight everyday, prevent it if there is too hot by using a bamboo curtain, as for examples.

In the meantime, although if the sunlight not directly exposed to your plants, heat which is absorbed by concrete wall still can be released a whole day.
That surroundings maybe too extreme for herbs plant to grow confortably.

To solve this problem you can create something that we call it “micro climate” which is use other durable herbs to alter or protect the surroundings area in order to make it suitable with the sensitives herbs.

Herbs Garden At the Balcony

There plenty of herbs which you can plant it in the flower-pots at the balcony. For example “Fragrant Screwpine” from the family of Pandanaceae, “Curry Leaves” from the family of Rutaceae, “Lemon Grass” from the family of Graminae, “Chilly”, “Curcuma” from the family of Zingerberaceae, “Ginger” from the family of Zingiberaceae, “Cenohom” from the family of Polygonaceae and plenty of others.

To prevent from heat radiation from the concrete wall, place the big herbs which is durable to protect the small and sensitive herbs.
However make sure all the herbs received enough sunlight.

Famous herbs plants and huge sizes likelihood for examples ‘musk lime’, ‘curry leaves’ ‘lemon grass’. There are also have new plants which is now famous such as ‘Vietnam apples’ and ‘Siamese Cherry’.

These two plants produce a fruits and for sure you children will like it much.
Balcony which is facing to the south or north maybe have a chances to receives the sunlight factors.

For the herbs which is originally from the tropical area, it is not a problem. But if you plantings something different, intensive care maybe needed.

Herbs Garden At the Windows Balustrade

You can plantings several kind of herbs inside your house but you must remember in air conditioning it might be some of the herbs will get dry in the low temperature.

Low temperature causes the plants stops absorbing the water and withered at last.
Your windows more or less received the sunlight.

Sunlight that facing to the north is the ideal one, but it not meaning that windows which if facing to others direction is not suitable to locate your herbs plants.

What you have to know is how much sunlight received from your windows. If too much, use the nets to slow it.

You can make a nets by using woods or just use the mosquitoes nets.
Don’t forget to open up the windows to allows hot air not trap.

Herbs which is suitable for windows balustrade are ‘indian pennywort’, ‘celery’, ‘kencur’ and etc.

If the space of the windows balustrade is not enough, you could hanging your herbs.

Container And Flower-Pots

You can choose container which is suitable for your herbs plantings. You also can use pottery vase, or ceramic vase which nicely decorated. If you need the light weight, use the plastic containers.

No matters what types of containers you choose, make sure its got holes because most of the herbs plants are sensitives with the water reservoir at the roots.

Put the water stagnant container at the bottom of the flower-pots or your plant container in order the excess water can be settle down perfectly.

You also can use crystal for your plants such as ‘fragrant screwpine’ to freshens it in the vase. These crystals can be use up for about 2 months.

About the container or vase sizes, plants which have short lifespan is not need a huge one.

However, for the herbs which can live longer such as ‘curry leaves’, ‘lemon grass’ and ‘fragrant screwpine’, container or vase must use big size one, suitably around more than feet diameter.

Mixed Soil

Basically, herbs plants grows flourishly in the good drainage mixed soils. You can get the mixed soil which have ‘vermiculite’ or ‘perlite’ for your herbs at the supermarket or nursery. Even now you can get it online.

Make sure you replace the mixed soils with the new one every time you planting it back.


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This blog is a matter of articles only. It is picks from the trusted sources. If there is a mistakes or unsatisfying regardless this articles hopefully viewers can give a comments and suggestions. For sake more or less this blog can give you an information to whom who is like or excited in plantations field, landscape, herbs and agricultural resources.

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